Portuguese Evangelism
The Portuguese Evangelism Ministry directs and assists in the efforts to evangelize the Portuguese people of North America. With annual conferences and countless years of combined experience working with the Portuguese community, we help you reach your community. Do you have a Portuguese friend you’d like to witness to but need help understanding how? Contact us, and we’ll provide information specific to your unique situation.
Contact us for access to outreach materials in Portuguese. We have Search for Truth available in Portuguese, and we can direct you as to what materials will be most effective for your special outreach needs.
Remember that you can access tracts at any time in almost any language at GlobalTracts.com
Contact Information
Daniel Gomes
Portuguese Evangelism Ministry Coordinator
Email: danieldjesus@gmail.com
Contact the Portuguese Evangelism Ministry Director
Multicultural Ministries of the United Pentecostal Church resources evangelism towards the numerous cultures represented in the United States and Canada.
Multicultural Ministries of the United Pentecostal Church | Brocc Chavis, Multicultural Ministries Director | bchavis@upci.org