Slavic Evangelism
The Slavic Evangelism Ministry reaches out to those of the Slavic culture in North America by partnering with you for effective evangelism in your local community. There is a recent explosion of Slavic populations in both metropolitan and rural areas, adding a new revival of people to the North American church.
How You Can Be Involved
Personal Witnessing – If you know of a Slavic family in your area, befriend them as you would anyone.
Language Opportunities – If your new friends have difficulty with the English language, use this as an opportunity to reach out to them. Offer to help them learn English. It may surprise you to learn that you don’t have to know a foreign language to teach someone English.
Bible Study – In the process of teaching your new friends English, give them a Bible Study.
Pray |
Donate |
Host a Crusade |
Slavic Evangelism needs partners in prayer. We are in a spiritual battle, and our greatest weapon is prayer. Thank you for joining forces with us. | The Slavic Evangelism Ministry seeks financial support to help with evangelistic crusades and for printing Slavic literature. Click here to donate. Your gift is greatly appreciated. | Target your evangelism efforts directly to the Slavics in your area: hold a Slavic crusade in your local church. The Slavic Evangelism Ministry can help you plan and execute a crusade, complete with translation services. Contact us for more information. |
There are tracts available in Slavic, which you can use for your evangelism efforts. Remember that you can access tracts at any time in almost any language at GlobalTracts.com
Contact Information
Brocc Chavis
Contact the Slavic Evangelism Ministry Director

Multicultural Ministries of the United Pentecostal Church resources evangelism towards the numerous cultures represented in the United States and Canada.
Multicultural Ministries of the United Pentecostal Church | Brocc Chavis, Multicultural Ministries Director | bchavis@upci.org